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Ag Startup Failure vs. Success: 7 Must-Haves for Success
Forging success as an agribusiness startup is a monumental struggle: only 10% of all startups succeed due to their ability to sell their...
QMS: Implementing Accountability and Consistency in Your Agribusiness
Based on my own experiences, here’s something about the business environment I absolutely believe to be true: 95% of errors are not due...
The Family Business and Generation Succession: 5 Key Considerations
A staggering 90 percent of American businesses are family-owned or -controlled, according to U.S. Bureau of Census.* And, to the...

Ag Expert Don Wertman's Take on Regional Seed Companies Featured in Seed Today Magazine
#DonWertman #FindingBlackInk #AgExpert #SeedCompanies
Communications: Plant Brand Position, Grow Brand Loyalty, Reap Benefits
Over the past 10 years, we have watched the landscape of the seed industry grow and shift from an emphasis on product research to market...
Fly the Plane: Focus on the Strategy
Even when things are really tough, remember to fly the plane. That’s my advice – inspired by now-retired U.S. Airways pilot Chesley...
Beyond Negotiations: Addressing Equally Complex Issues During the Merger
When it comes to an agribusiness merger, the executives managing the companies through that process need to keep two priorities in mind –...

Who We Are
We are a small group of former CEOs and EVPs who are experts in agriculture and specialize in seed businesses and seed-related...
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